Coral Rescue
Coral Rescue will help save an account with trades in drawdown. Do you have losing trades that are just too large to deal with? They reduce your available margin and can be accumulating swap costs, but the loss would be too great to just accept closing the trades. Just hoping that price will eventually come back is not an effective strategy, you need a disciplined, consistent and preferably automatic way to dig yourself out of the hole.
Read the blog post: Announcing Coral Rescue!
Drawdown Companion
Coral Rescue is not a normal EA. It is not an EA that is used to generate profits in your account. You would use Coral Retail alongside another EA that is generating profits (like MultiMAX), or in combination with your own manual trading.

Leverage your Profits
Set the minimum balance for your account. When you have profits greater than this balance they are available for Coral Rescue to use.
Use "Rescue Orders" to only consider trades by their ticket numbers.
Use "Include Magics" to only consider trades placed with these magic numbers.
Or, use "Exclude Magics" to Rescue everything in your account except trades placed with these magic numbers.

Manual or Automated
Operate in Manual Mode to keep control for yourself. You can receive a notification when your balance target is reached, or when you have enough available balance to perform a partial close.
Or automatically select the largest, farthest trade to reduce by the minimum lot size when sufficient balance is available.

Enable notifications to be alerted when your account has sufficient balance to Rescue some drawdown.
Be notified when Rescue closes any partial lots in drawdown.
The "Total DD Rescued" will track your progress over time. Click the column header to reset this value to zero.
Digging yourself out of the hole has never been easier! Automate your account recovery today!