When you use the Price Condition, you're setting a target price on a chart, and the condition will evaluate as true when price crosses that target price. It's great for a quick alert or notification on a chart.
Usually a condition returns a value when it evaluates as true, and setting a variable means that it always evaluates as true. But a Price Condition is a unique, because it only returns a value and sets its variable while it is NOT true, while price has not yet reached its target. We want to take some action when we reach the target (when it evaluates as true), but in the meantime, it might be interesting to have that target price available in the variable space to do something with.
When you're looking at the Price Condition on a chart, it draws the target line for you so you can see where it is. And you can drag it around to update the price. But when the condition is running, even if Chart Logic is running on the chart that this condition is FIXED to, it doesn't show a line for the target price. What if we want to see that target line on a chart while it's running?
You can't just add an Object Action to draw a line using the target price. This is what that would look like:

But this doesn't work. Do you see why? The Action is only triggered when the Condition is true, and this Price Condition is evaluating as false, becuase we haven't reached the price yet. We need an action that will run when the condition is false to set the line. The Action to run when price reaches the target is different: that's when we want to get notified.
You could incidentally open up the Thread Viewer and click on the Price Condition to display the dialog, and that would cause it to draw its target line, just like when you're configuring the condition.

Even while the Price Condition is failing you can quickly display the target price on the chart this way. But what if you want the line displayed all the time?
What we need are two Logic Sets in this strategy. One for the Price Condition to test if we've reached the target price and send an alert when that happens; and another one to run while the Price Condition has not reached its target yet and draw the target line.

I've made a small change in the Price Condition for this to work. Now it is setting a global variable for the target price, which I called varTarget. This variable will be set when the Price Condition fails, because that's what a Price Condition does. (This is the only condition that behaves this way, setting a variable and returning a value when it's failing.) The Logic Set that has the Price Condition is the one that has the action to send an alert when price is reached; this will happen when the Price Condition evaluates as true.
I've added a second Logic Set, with a single Variable Condition that is testing whether the varTarget variable is set in the variable space. When that's true (i.e., while the Price Condition is failing), then we have the Object Action to draw the target line on the chart. So now, while this "GF Notify" strategy is running, I will have a target line displayed on the chart up until the point at which price reaches this target. Then I'll get the alert and the line will no longer be displayed, because the variable will become unset.
This is the general approach of how you can use the target value from a Price Condition when it's failing: set a global variable and use another Logic Set or Condition to test for the variable, and then do something when that's true.