Strategy Files
This is a strategy file for Chart Logic that implements a dashboard display of open positions. This file requires Chart Logic version 1.5 or later.
For a Dashboard you first need to define variables in a Chart Logic Strategy. Each column in the dashboard shows a variable, and you see the value for this variable for each symbol enabled in the strategy.
There is a Logic Set to get the values for long positions and short positions, and then a logic set to combine the data for the dashboard view. The dashboard doesn’t currently display hedged positions completely, though it could easily be extended to do this.
Dashboard Configuration
To get to the Dashboard configuration, first open the Strategy Viewer by clicking the strategy name in the main Chart Logic window.
When the strategy is not active this first opens the Strategy Viewer:
Click the “D” to the left of the strategy name to toggle between Dashboard and Viewer modes.
When the strategy is not active you will not see the list of symbols in the dashboard, just the column headers. Click the “V” to toggle back to “Viewer” mode. Click “Configure” to open the column configuration dialog. This is how the Position Dashboard is configured:
I’m displaying 5 columns of position data. The Percent and ADR columns are using default Bull:Bear colors. This will show the “Bull” color (configured in the EA inputs) when the value is > 0, and the “Bear” color when the value is < 0. For the “Direction” column we need to set the colors explicitly, because the values for this column are not numeric and so will not display correctly using the built-in “Bull:Bear” shortcut. For Lots and Count we don’t need to change colors based on values, because they will always be > 0.
In this Dashboard we also make use of the ability to display a totals row. The “DIR” column will show a count, which equates to the number of rows in the table, and therefore the number of open positions. The “Count” column, in contrast, is showing the sum of values, which is the total number of trades. Similarly for Percent, ADR and Lots, showing the sum of these columns.
Activate the strategy (click the little red circle to the left of the strategy name in the main Chart Logic window), and now when you click the strategy name in this list it will open the viewer in Dashboard mode:
This Dashboard filters the view to only show rows that have data populated. Click the little folder icon in the header cell of the first column to toggle this filter off and on. The dashboard will always remember your last selection.
You can change how the columns are sorted by clicking the column headers. I like to sort my position dashboard by ADR, with the farthest positions at the top and the closest ones (or those in profit) at the bottom. Click the header to sort by values in ascending order. Click again to toggle to a descending sort. Or click the “Symbol” header to switch to sorting by symbol names. The little suffix in the column header will show you which column is sorted and in which direction. “^” means ascending (low to high) and “v” means descending (high to low).